Life on the Sub List

The musings of a Twenty-Something substitute teacher, written while baby sitting kids for teachers to lazy to make decent sub plans.

Friday, September 29, 2006

whats in a name part 2

Its gridiron time. Below i take on the NFL naming gods. Enjoy

AFC East

Buffalo Bills – 7
Roots in the old city’s old AFFC team with the same name. I like the historical tones and it is a deviation from the norm in team naming. But it should really have four Ls now after the consecutive super bowl defeats.
NY Jets – 5.5
The Jets used to share a field with the Mets. And if you’ve ever watched a game at Shea on TV you’ll know why they are called the Jets. About every four or five minutes a plane from near by LaGuardia Airport flies over the stadium and I’m sure the noise effected the play QB’s calling in the 60s. But the team doesn’t play at Shea anymore so the name loses luster. Plus THEY PLAY IN JERSEY.
Miami Dolphins - 5.5
Probably the first in the new generation of animal names. I just think if you’re naming a football team after an animal it should be more fierce. A friggin dolphin you gotta be kidding be. Strikes little to no fear in my heart and I’m sure the same goes for opponents now a days. Plus the popular shortening (fish) is lame, not to mention biologically incorrect.
New England Patriots – 9
Local connection, Check! Originality, Check! Cool shortening (Pats), Checks! Simple but effective name. And, I love the use of the a region as geographical identifier, it says to the those lonely folks in Vermont and New Hampshire the Patriots are your team too.

AFC North

Pittsburgh Steelers – 9
Team was originally named the Pirates when it joined the league in 1933. I assume because it was owned by the same folks as the town’s baseball franchise. In 1941 the switch was made, to reflect the city’s blue collar ethic and as a tribute to many of the teams fans. I love the local appeal and the tribute to fans. Quality name.
Cleveland Browns – 6
At first, a fan contest was conducted to determine the name of the team, with the most popular choice being "Browns" after its first head coach, Paul Brown. Brown was uncomfortable with the idea of having the team named after him, and the second most popular "Panthers" was then selected. However, a semi-pro team was using that name and threatened to sue if the AAFC club used it as well. Thus, Paul Brown reluctantly agreed to use the "Browns" name, but stated publicly that the new team was named after boxing champion Joe Louis who was known as the "Brown Bomber." That’s some rasisct shit. The name has never sat well with me kinda boring, kinda pointless.
Cincinnati Bengals – 3
Ok so many may know that the above mentioned Paul Brown was also involved in the founding of the Bengals. After an angry split with then Cleveland owner Art Modell, Brown looked to start a franchise elsewhere in the OH the ‘Nati was his choice. Legend has it Paulie B wanted to piss of Modell by making his new team look as much like the Browns so he figured he’s just take the brown out of the unis and add black. Orange with black stripes meant tigers to most. But Tigers was already taken by a baseball team north on I-75. At the time the Cincy Zoo’s biggest attraction was white Bengal tiger. Hence the name. Ridculous naming history and make little sense to anyone so I just can’t give it a good score.
Baltimore Ravens – 6.5
Modell moved the Ravens away from Cleveland but the city sued to keep the name browns and won. So they were forced to be creative, and it turned out for the better. Edgar Allen Poe is from Baltimore. He wrote this. Thusly a clever team locally connected name. While I often rail against bird names, but this one is cool.

AFC South

Houston Texans – 1
Straight from the Department of Repetitive Redundancies Division. You’ve got to be kidding me. Its ridiculously uninspired. Not much more I can say.
Indianapolis Colts – 2
Ok so the Colts used to be in Baltimore, a big horse racing town. But this another one of those cases of not taking advantage of a move. Its especially disappointing in that the way the Colts moved was shameful, and they should have left the name behind. How about the Indiana Jacksons?
Jacksonville Jaguars - 3
No idea where this name came from except for the alliteration aspect. I can’t find anything on the meaning behind the actual name. What I don’t like about this animal name is that it is again not indigenous to the region. I understand Gatros was already taken but that would have been so much better. I do like the shortening (jags). Props for the team’s drumline, we need to start one at Paul Brown.
Tennessee Titans – 7.5
The Titans used to be the Houston Oilers when the ownership group moved the team to Tennessee the team held on the Oilers name for two years. Mostly to screw over a potential new team in Houston (mission accomplished). Finally, a committee was from the rename the team. Titans was chosen for its representation of power, strength, leadership and other heroic qualities. Plus its has connection to Nashville’s Greek heritage.

AFC West

Denver Broncos – 7
A animal name with a local nod. Works for me. Side note: team wore originally brown and yellow. Bring it back!!
Kansas City Chiefs – 6
In 1960 the team was stolen by the city of Kasas City from Dallas where they were known as the Texans. The name, "Chiefs" was selected by a fan contest, and is derived from then KC Mayor H. Roe Bartle, who 35 years prior, founded the Native American-based honor society known as The Tribe of Mic-O-Say within the Boy Scouts of America organization, which earned him the nickname, "The Chief." It is said that team ownership actually considered keeping the team name as it was, and playing as the "Kansas City Texans."
Oakland Raiders – 5
Another "name the team" contest was held by a local newspaper, and the winner was the Oakland Señors. After a few weeks of the fledgling team (and its owners) being the butt of local jokes, the owners changed the team's name to the Oakland Raiders, which had finished third in the naming contest. Señors is rediculous but more localy connected I’m on the fense here cause I love the name for what it represents in toughness and grit of the NFL, but it makee no sense.
San Diego Chargers – 5
A result of a name the team contest in which the winner won a trip Acapulco. I’m on the fence here because it’s a cool name but I don’t know its real roots.

NFC East

NY Giants – 1
Essentially as proof that I’m not playing favorites here. A result of a shared ownership with the New York Baseball Giants. I take a few issues with this name: A.) THEY PLAY IN JERSEY B.) The “G-Men” is really annoying especially from Chris Berman C.) Why double up on a name that really means nothing D.) THEY PLAY IN JERSEY
Dallas Cowboys – 8.5
No complaints here well thought out has nice ring and a solid local connection. Only looses points for the presumptuous designation of “America’s Team”
Washington Redskins – -2
They used to play in Boston and were owned by the same folks as the baseball Braves, thus the roots of the name. Regardless, the team that plays in our Nation’s capital playing our Nation’s most popular sport. Has the most racist name ever. Redskins is worst than braves, Indians, and the like because of direct relationship to skin color. Plus that dude on the helmet is ridiculous. Negative points for not taking advantage of the move.
Philadelphia Eagles – 7
A bird name with legit local connections. But not fear factor here. I know eagles can wreck shit up for some reason I’m not afraid of them.

NFC North

Chicago Bears – 3
Directly inspired by the city’s baseball franchise which also has no history that’s known to me. So I can’t give it a legit score. But the animal reference here is classic enough to endure.
Detroit Lions – 3
Did not find much out about the origin of the teams name but did find it interesting the franchise used to play in Portsmouth, OH where they were called the Spartans. They took on the name Lions when they moved to Detroit during the Depression so I can only assume it was to honor the Tigers in some way. Again no lions roaming Motown. LAME.
Green Bay Packers – 8
The oldest team name in the NFL. Named for the teams first sponsor the Indian Packing Company who gave $500 to the non-profit team for the purchase of uniforms. Great history and strong sense of history here and therefore there is a good local connection.
Minnesota Vikings -7
The real first white folks to hit these rocky shores, the Norse sailors settled in what is today Minnesota. So the lutefisk eating folks deserve some props names wise. But do they really deserve those hideous new unis.

NFC South

Tampa Bay Buccaneers – 6
The NFL loves those name the team contests. This one is in honor of a local Pirate Festival. It’d be like Cincinnati having franchise named the Tallstacks or the Circleville Pumpkins. A little ridiculous but I’m sure there is an actual chance real pirates docked in Tampa so I give them some credit.
New Orleans Saints – 8.5
A city close to my heart. The religious marginalization saves it from being a straight 10. The city’s got a huge catholic heritage of course and there’s the song. It works real well. Side note: the arena team’s name is the VooDoo so I guess the religious thing is evened out by that.
Atlanta Falcons – 4
Guess what lets play NAME THAT TEAM. I’m sorry but leaving it to the fans has yet to turn out all that great. The name Falcons was inspired by a school teacher from Georgia who won a contest in 1965, she wrote "The falcon is proud and dignified, with courage and fight. It is deadly and has a great sporting tradition.” Some points for giving it to a teacher but enough with the birds for crying out loud.
Carolina Panthers – 7
Interestingly enough the city of Charlotte were the Panthers play has a cat fetish. The city’s rail system is known as the CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) the NBA team the Bobcats and an old ABA team was known as the Cougars. I’m feelin it for some reason. Its an odd tradtion but it works for me and I love the use of Carolina incumbusing both states.

NFC West

Arizona Cardinals – 3
The franchise started in Chicago and the St. Louis and now Phoenix. And kept the cards name all the way through. But witched it to Arizona not Phoenix in ’94. I like the more general geographical portion. But the bird name makes no sense still.
San Francisco 49ers – 10
Its got it all originality, local connection, shortening (9ers), really can’t think of anything better except maybe this (second from the bottom). I love all of those BASEktball team names.
Seattle Seahawks – 5
NAME THAT TEAM again. With little to no originality the Emerald City fails here. I’m sorry I’m not afraid of birds. All for god sakes Cheney hunts them how dangerous can they be. And birds that hang out by water are less intimating its like they never evolved enough to move in land and live in tress like birds are supposed to.
St. Louis Rams – 4
Another itinerate team with no real identity. Started in Cleveland and then LA. I can’t really dig this name to much cause it has no real connection to the city. I do like the tough football image the animal it invokes.

Friday, September 22, 2006

L'shana tova

Tonight at sundown the Jewish new year begins. I will celebrating as it seems in some way have every year since the fall of '95 with marching band (holy crap I’ve been doing this thing for 11 years that’s almost half my life), replacing the shofar with on of these.

This years apples and honey bowl is between Glen Este and Amelia which is a rivalry on par with that of Islanders and the Devils in that. The Isles have not been a real threat to beat the Devils in years, but I still hate the fishsticks. In this case the Amelia Barons are the Islanders. Tomorrow we have our home competition which is an all day affair of hosting other bands and hopefully if the rain allows raking in lots of dough for the band so we can get these kids some decent equipment.

So needless to say i will not be hitting up any shul this high holiday season. I know I know I know, I'm such and bad jew. But ya know what, I'm still spiritually connected to my jewishness. I still regard myself as a jew and I always will, its just the past few times I've gone (all be it all high holidays) I really find myself struggling connecting to the act of group prayer. I will still fast for Yom Kippur, light candles for Hanukah and avoid the leaven products for Passover. But going to temple and getting all jewish just doesn't sit right for me and it hasn't for a while. Probably since 9/11, I guess I've kinda gotten turned off by organized religon in general. So i guess you could call it a mini and uneventful crisis of faith. But that really is what Judaism should be one big crisis of faith.

Oh well I guess I've gotten a little to deep for my readership (what readership? No one has commented in a while!!).

On other fronts I actually got an email back from Paul Lukas, of uniwatch, he seems interested but we'll see.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

i'm such a band geek

ok so i've been reading this sports uniform based column and blog for a couple years now. And I was wondering if the guy would be interested in writng about band unis so i sent him this letter:


I discovered Uniwatch like most, right around the time started to publish your work. And since then I’ve been brewing up this email in the back of mind and have been waiting for time to write it. I was wondering if you’ve examined or even have any interest in marching band uniforms. I’ve searched through your site and only found limited banter on this subject, mostly about the U of Oregon’s uni’s in relationship to the football team, so I thought I’d and email on the subject in order to perhaps in encourage a blog entry.

I’ve been part of the marching music actives for years now and I’ve study uniforms in the activity for as long as I can remember. There are a couple reason I think you’d be interest in band uniforms.

For starters, they are directly related to the aesthetics of the sport which the band is supporting. Imagine a game at assembly hall with out seeing
these or and OSU/Michigan without this image. And of course, as seen with Oregon, the branding virus has spread into halftime. Some bands have had their uniform’s horribly disfigured because of logo changes (why could the athletic department buy the band new uniforms? that looks awful).

The cool thing about band unis that they are the first visual impression you get from a group whose goal is to impress you visually and musically simultaneously. Lots of the design aspects exist to enhance a groups performance. This is especially true about
Drum and Bugle Corps. DBCs are highly competitive national marching groups that perform in the summer months and are usually featured on ESPN2 in the early fall. These groups uniforms tend to slant toward the futuristic with some traditional stand outs. But each piece is designed so that moves on the field look better and more standardized from player to player. Gauntlets on the forearms help with horn posture, different colored uniform backs make turn-arounds more impactful and so on.

I’m sure you remember the turn-ahead the clock games the MLB ran in 99, well one of the
guys responsible for designing most of these drum corps uniforms did the beloved “Mercury Mets” uniforms for that year.

Now I know, this may be taking the athletic aesthetics obsession a little to far but I think there’s a lot to be learn for bands and potential plethora or aspects to explore. Just a thought.

I any event I love reading your blog and column, keep it coming and don’t give up the fight against purple.

Matt Lanzoff

I'll keep everyone posted if he writes back could be cool to spread a little bit of Marching Music Love.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

we del-got it

Monday, September 18, 2006

back from p-town and woodstock

For starters, I'm not worried or rattle in anyway by the weekend’s baseball events. Here's why.

The trip to Pittsburgh was still well worth it. For starter seeing my 'rents was a great thing. And adding another stadium to my belt was a definite plus. But probably the highlight of the weekend was hearing my hearing my 13 year old bother-in-law, who up until now has been ambiguous about his baseball allegiance refer to the Mets as "we". He's getting a jersey for Christmas, no doubt.

The stadium is nice along with the surrounding area. One regret in that department was that I didn't get a real chance to explore the game had me glued to my seat and there was lots of the stadium i could not take in but the first impression is a good one. Definitely want to go back.

I know the Mets will clinch tonight in front of a sell out in crowd at Shea with their most consistent starter, Trachsel, on the hill.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

spontaneous baseball road trip

After the met failure to clinche the NL East tittle last night against the pirates... We're headed to the steel city to watch El Duque throw a no hitter (way wishful thinking) and celebrate the first NL East pennant since '88... Which is really the first year I remember knowing what was going on at Shea.

So we're going to root on my bother in law in his cross country meet then heading out. My review of this highly touted stadium will be coming shortly after.

Friday, September 08, 2006

whats in a name part 1

Erin and I where having this conversation a couple weeks ago about sport teams nicknames. I believe ours was specifically about baseball teams and more a game of me testing Erin’s knowledge of teams’ names. But it got me thinking about the origins of some of the names and how I appreciate the attempts made be original and appropriate in naming a team. So I figured I’d hash out my feelings here. I’m going to go through each of the four major sports and give each nickname a score on a 10 point scale based on its originality, and general impression and appropriateness. This will be a four part series. I will start with baseball.

AL East

New York Yankees - 6
- My beef with this one is in no way influenced by my hatred for the team. Its more the fact that when I think Yankee, I think New Englander not New Yorker. The root is of course and British pejorative, which actually scores it points for boldness. I think New York has so many potentials for nicknames that this almost a waste.
Baltimore Oriels - 8
- the first in a long line of bird names for me to review. The Oriel is the state bird of Maryland which gives it points for appropriateness. The bird has really stunning orange and black markings hence the teams colors. It loses some points casue I don’t really dig the bird name thing as you’ll see as we go on
Boston Red Sox – 1
- I have zero tolerance for uniform derived names. I understand the tradition involved but there are teams of the same age that did not do that. No excuses. The only saving grace is the shorten version, BoSox.
Toronto Blue Jays – 4
- this came from a “Name the Team” contest in the 70’s when the team was formed. My beef is by the time the Jays where formed there were already multiple birds in the league. According the Blue Jays website they had 4,000 suggestions I’m sure they could have came up with something better.
Tampa Bay Devil Rays – 6.5
The new generation of names is hit or miss. I think this is a near miss. Sting rays are native to region and there is a ferocity to the animal that makes it a good sports name. Plus they can have some nice crocodile hunter promotional tie-ins (to soon?)

AL Central

Minnesota Twins – 9
- I love this one. It takes the national identity of the region, every one knows it’s the Twin Cities and makes it into a name nearly flawless. My only issue if the lengthening of it to Twinkies.
Chicago White Sox – 0
- Same issue as the Red Sox with no cool abridged version
Detroit Tigers – 2
Why, Why, Why? There never has been and never will be tigers anywhere in Michigan. - - The two points are for not going with a uniform derived name
Kansas City Royals – 1
- I couldn’t find a real origin for this name which bothers me and it seems like it could be derived from uniform decisions. They were in an expansion class with the Mets and Astros so I expect better, as names are often a result of the time which they where chosen. The one point comes from keeping you guessing
Cleveland Indians – 6.5
- a pretty cool history the team was around for a little bit before they too the names which was given kind of organically by the fans due to a 1915 star player named Sockalexis, who happen to be a Native American whose skin was light enough to play in the white leagues. However, I do have big issues with the Chief Wahoo logo. But I’m only rating the names here.

AL West

LA Angles of Anaheim– 8
- Almost a no brainier. The city of angles must have team with this name. Only draw back is the ever changing nature of the local nomenclature
Seattle Mariners – 7
- Another thoughtful one with strong roots in the cities’ history. Drawback comes from its six syllable obstruction to sports discussions.
Oakland Athletics – 0.5
-Originally in Philly, then Kansas City. This name has no significance and no meaning. Duh they’re athletes but so are the other 29 teams. They had two opportunities to change names when the organization moved, completely unacceptable. The half point is for shortening it just save some embarrassment
Texas Rangers – 7.5
- I love the fact that this something that was already in our culture’s phraseology. And it keeps with the states rugged image. Has Chuck Norris ever thrown out to the first pitch? Probably not for fear he would break the catchers hand.

NL East

New York Mets – 8
- this complete unbiased, I swear. When the National league decide to give new York back a team the new ownership wanted to market the team to the entire region not just one borough as the pervious baseball situation allowed. They wanted to reach the entire METROPOLITIAN area. They took that and immediately shorten it the Mets. The loss of points is due to the fact that any metropolitan area could use that name and it would make sense. It also has some history a 19 centruy American Association team was called the Metropolitans
Atlanta Braves - 2
- I real convoluted history of names and cities from Boston to Milwaukee to Atlanta, form the Red Stockings, to the Beaneaters, to the Doves, to the Braves. All of those names where in Boston by 1912 they where the Braves and that was it. Which means the move afford name change opportunities not taken. I like bean eaters, should have stuck with it.
Florida Marlins – 6.5
- Same score as the Devil Rays cause it basically the same name. I have a place in my heartect for the native creature concept but it lacks orginality.
Washington Nationals – 9
I love this one. There used to be team in Washington named the Senators when they moved to Texas they became the Rangers (pay attentions Athletics and Braves they took advantage of the move.) So when Washington got the expos to move there they wanted bring back the name. Rangers Owenership wouldn’t give up the legal rights. So they had to think new and like what they came up with. It fits and it shortens well to Nats.
Philadelphia Phillies – 5
A very mediocre name. Nice for its shortening ability (Phils). But its kind of blan and of course repetitive. Has roots to the city but they are artificial roots. I’m not sure if a name has to be masculine to be good but this one certainly isn’t.

NL Central

Cincinnati Reds – 3
- again this name is week because of its roots in the uniform. Common misconception is that the original name was the red stockings. Not true the first name official name was the Reds. It became fashionable early on the call them the red stockings which stuck through the 19th century. Then briefly its was again shorten to Reds in the early 1900s but was quickly changed back to Red Stockings during the first red scare of the 20s. Only to be changed back to reds during the depression. I think that’s right but I’m sure some Cincinnatian will try and correct me. Either way the name leave a lot to be desired.
St. Louis Cardinals – 5
- The story goes that the St. Lois Browns where bought and renamed the Prefectors(awful name) were replaced along with their brown unis. The new uniforms had a red piping and when a newspaper reporter asked a female fan what she though of these uniforms She said it was lovely shade of cardinal the stuck. Actually a uniformed derived name I can live with because of the story.
Milwaukee Brewers – 10
They don’t get much better. With local pride and national understanding this one has it all. Plus even the lengthening of it, (Brew Crew) is cool.
Pittsburg Pirates – 7
- at first examinations the name makes no sense. They were originally the Alleghenies, which I love. They became known as the pirates after the stole a player away from the Philly A’s in the 1890s. It still loses point because you have to know that story in order for it to make sense.
Houston Astros – 9.5
Local connection, check. Originality, check. Cool abbreviation (‘stros), check. Lost half a point because its not there original name, which was the Colt 45s.
Chicago Cubs - 5
Can't adequatly score cause I can't find a real histroy of nameage here.

NL West

LA Dodgers – 5
- Here I’m torn. Because when the dodger where in Brooklyn in was a great name of all time. Named for the dodging of street cars fans had to get to Ebbets Field. But when they moved they should have changed the name because no dodging happens on LA freeways just a lot of sitting and Californians are ridiculously nice to pedestrians.
San Diego Padres – 7
- While the religious connotation does marginalize non-christians I love the fact that this name is not in English and gives a shout out the to Spanish Missionaries who found the city. I’m on the fence about its shorten version, Pads.
Colorado Rockies – 8.5
Like Texas Rangers, the phrase was already in our vernacular, which gives it points. It has got obvious local appeal. It losses points because it can’t be shorten effectively.
San Francisco Giants – 3
Originally named the Gothams during their early days in Manhattan. After winning a pennant the manager is quoted in the press as calling them Giants and the name stuck. I hat it Gothams would have been great. Now when they moved they could have changed but elected to keep the nonsensical name. Laziness
Arizona Diamondbacks – 6.5
Same feeling as the Marlins and Diamondbacks. I like the name and the local appeal but the animal things gets old quick.

Well that’s baseball, other three sports will come in time. If I have offended any one or gotten anyhting worng please comment.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

long weekend extended

Well, no call to sub today so I'm home doing laundry and general house husband stuff to close off this great weekend.

Saturday with the niece was great. She's four and is such a country girl, taking her to crowed Newport was an enlightening experience as everything she lays her eyes on is new and exciting from pigeons in front of Johnny Rockets (horrific service as usual, this is the last time) to the fountain in front of Brio we stopped to look at everything, (she's painfully cute) Of course the best part about seeing her is being able to spoil her like a good aunt and uncle. So we made a Build-a-Bear at Kenwood on the way back. I can't wait to acquire the Mets Uniform online as a Christmas gift.

Sunday after switching cars with Erin parents we took Asbury to a new dog park (new for us) its up in West Chester at Voices of America Park. And its much better than the one closer to our apartment. Nicer dogs and people. The dog run's name is Wiggly Field, if I need to explain the cleverness of that nominclature you shouldn't be reading my blog. We stayed for almost 3 hours, lots of fun.

Monday we caught the Illusionst. Despite the predictability the film was good. Incredible visual work all around and a Philip Glass score that had me thinking about a potential marching band show. After dinner Erin and I tried out yet another Chinese restaurant. Grand Oriental on Fields Ertle is a white tablecloth type place with a traditional Chinese menu despite to the modest portions dinner was good. We got a and appetizer and still kept it under 30 duckets pre-tip. We'll go back, hopefully with another couple or two.

I'm off tp make some paninis for lunch and continue the laundry.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

quick activism note

ok so i just saw this on yahoo... i'm always kind of interested in tracking public intrest based on search trends... this is even more interesting casue of the political end of things...

what boggles my mind is the boldness of this administration using the term facism, while they tap our phones, hold prisoner for years with our charges, and even work to enforce old interstate porn laws...

the successfull facist through out western history from Pope Urban II to Khrushchev started their oppression at home before taking it abroad

well just wanted to get all that off my chest. my neice and her mother just arrived its the little one's birthday and we're taking her to the newport aquairium... good times

Friday, September 01, 2006

the first post

I’ve been reading between 5 and 100 blogs for the past 3 to for years, some more diligently than others of course but the none the less I’ve been a passive blogoshpere participant. For a long time I’ve wanted completely join the fray but have been reluctant and in many ways lazy about it. So now that I’m sub and have a bit more time on my hands, and honestly looking for something to get my hands on to fulfill my drive to do something with my life. Ultimately this is an attempt to keep my self busy in classrooms when the kids are doing the busy work I’ve been provided and I am lucky enough be in a room with a functional computer. I also want hone my bloggin skillz (hip-hopeze will be prevalent but only for comedic effect) as I plan to use this medium in my classroom in some distant time when “my classroom” actually exists.

So I should probably start by cluing you all to my blog philosophy (or should I say blogosphy). There are quality blogs out there for all purposes political activism, sports discussion, arts appreciation (and when I say that I mean anything artistic including that with the popular culture), so on and so on. So with all those blogs in mine and my own personal needs I set out to make this blog they way I see fit. That is with Dan Bern’s mantra in mind: “Collage is the greatest of all the arts.” Making this blog a gathering place for other ideas a place where I take the art and thoughts of others and paste them next to each other in a stream of consciousness style rant. Now I know I’m not an innovator in anyway but that will be my style. So amongst the possible topics to be delved into on this blog:

TV and Movies
Food (restaurants and my own cooking)
Politics (I lean left)
Percussion Instruction (one of my jobs)
Educational Theory
The air speed of an African Swallow
Web-Junk (that is cool stuff on this wondrous series of tubes)
Beer Vending (my other occupation)
Turbo Hype Grooves

So that’s the deal. Read if you want. Comment if you dare. Enjoy it if its enjoyable.

I’m out