whats new?
good question...
Chasing jobs mostly. Four jobs I qualify for in the Mason District and one at a tech/career school in the county of kings, all popped up in the past two weeks. (Fingers Crossed)
In other news Erin is going to be working in Carlstadt, NJ for the next 4-6 weeks. Yeah 12 hour drive, shadow of the skyline, stones throw from exit 16w, Carlstadt. Yeah that Carlstadt.
Basically, One of her company's partners needs engineers and drafter because they are swamped and hiring new people or even temps from jersey would be more expensive then flying her and one other guy out there every week putting them up and paying them mass overtime in the process. So poised to make some serious scratch in a matter of 6 weeks she's going. She’ll be home for the weekends. and she'll be out there during spring break, which also happens to be the first week the Mets are home, so I MAY, be headed out. :-D.
So my next month and half will be fraught with a great deal of jealousy mixed in with loneliness. But the money is worth it and the remote possibility of catching some Aprilness at Shea is not so bad either.
Chasing jobs mostly. Four jobs I qualify for in the Mason District and one at a tech/career school in the county of kings, all popped up in the past two weeks. (Fingers Crossed)
In other news Erin is going to be working in Carlstadt, NJ for the next 4-6 weeks. Yeah 12 hour drive, shadow of the skyline, stones throw from exit 16w, Carlstadt. Yeah that Carlstadt.
Basically, One of her company's partners needs engineers and drafter because they are swamped and hiring new people or even temps from jersey would be more expensive then flying her and one other guy out there every week putting them up and paying them mass overtime in the process. So poised to make some serious scratch in a matter of 6 weeks she's going. She’ll be home for the weekends. and she'll be out there during spring break, which also happens to be the first week the Mets are home, so I MAY, be headed out. :-D.
So my next month and half will be fraught with a great deal of jealousy mixed in with loneliness. But the money is worth it and the remote possibility of catching some Aprilness at Shea is not so bad either.
At 11:30 AM,
Unknown said…
I'd hate to use my baby's blog for other reasons, but Parsons, if you read this...tell me why have you made it so I can't read your blog!! geesh...
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