Life on the Sub List

The musings of a Twenty-Something substitute teacher, written while baby sitting kids for teachers to lazy to make decent sub plans.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

quick activism note

ok so i just saw this on yahoo... i'm always kind of interested in tracking public intrest based on search trends... this is even more interesting casue of the political end of things...

what boggles my mind is the boldness of this administration using the term facism, while they tap our phones, hold prisoner for years with our charges, and even work to enforce old interstate porn laws...

the successfull facist through out western history from Pope Urban II to Khrushchev started their oppression at home before taking it abroad

well just wanted to get all that off my chest. my neice and her mother just arrived its the little one's birthday and we're taking her to the newport aquairium... good times


  • At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Matt, I hear you about the fascism hypocrisy. You know what Woody Guthrie had to say about that! More of these folks need to read Dr. Seuss' "Butter Battle Book" and get some perspective on the name-calling, finger-pointing, rhetoric-spilling game we're all playing.

    Jake Speed


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