Sorry, Bob I’m going to have to cut you off…
Went up to Detroit again last weekend. We were treated much better this time around mostly because our actual supervisor tagged along. The World Series is a very electric atmosphere buzzing with excitement, pretty exciting despite the lack of blue and orange. This electricity seems to act as a magnetic force on people’s wallets as the tips were flowing both nights. The best tip I got all night was 15 bucks for 24 dollars in beer, that 3 24 oz. cans expertly border to a very low foam to beer ratio by yours truly. The coolest tip I got was from Steve Yzerman, two dollars for a single beer. Adding to my short list of celebrities served which includes him and him (the middle of course). The coolest part about being up there is that our locker room was literally inches from the visiting changing rooms and caddy cornered to the rooms set aside for players wives and kids. So needless to say lots of player traffic right around where we would kill time prior to the gates opening. The Coolest thing was, before game one, seeing Leyland and Larussa having a four way chat with two women who I believe where their wives. My uniwatch astuteness noticed Leyland is one of the few managers that wears cleats as if he may have to pinch run him self for Pudge in the late innings.
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I might be clueless here...but what does the title have anything to do with the blog??
At 4:15 PM,
lanzoff said…
i've sold huggins a beer... he's not known for his moderation when drinking
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